Magnolia Plastic Surgery provides best in class skin cancer treatment.
Skin Cancer
Magnolia Plastic Surgery provides skin cancer treatment, serving our community in North Mississippi. At least 1 in 5 people in the United States will develop some form of skin cancer. Fortunately when detected early, most types can be successfully treated before they spread to other parts of the body. Since most skin cancers are visible, most lesions can be diagnosed and treated at a pre-cancerous stage, which is why regular check-ups are recommended.
At Magnolia Plastic Surgery, our board-certified surgeon and staff are experts in skin cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment. All people are at risk of developing skin cancer, but there are certain factors that can raise a person’s risk, including:
Fair complexion
Family history
Exposure to X-Rays
Weakened immune system
Exposure to certain chemicals: arsenic, coal, industrial tar
Tobacco use
Tanning bed use
Follow the ABCDE’s of Skin Cancer Prevention:
It is recommended that people of all ages and skin types examine their skin on a routine basis. Remember to follow the ABCDE rule:
ASYMMETRY – If you were to draw a line through the center of the mark, the two halves should match. An asymmetrical mole or growth is a warning sign.
BORDERS – Benign spots or growths have smooth, even borders. Note any uneven edges that appear notched or scalloped.
COLORS – Most benign marks are one color or shade. Different shades or tones, or even red, blue, or white pigmentation could be a sign of melanoma.
DIAMETER – Benign moles or spots typically have a smaller diameter. Melanomas tend to have a diameter that is larger than a pencil eraser.
EVOLVING – Benign moles typically do not change in appearance over time. Any changes in size, color, texture, or another trait should be evaluated by a dermatologist, especially if the mark shows symptoms such as itching, crusting, or bleeding.
Skin Cancer Types:
The North Mississippi community turns to Magnolia Plastic Surgery for expert skin cancer treatment for the following skin cancers.
Actinic keratosis (AK), also known as a solar keratosis, is considered a pre-cancer and presents as a red, crusty, scaly growth(s), most often found on the face, ears, scalp, arms, and hands. If left untreated, actinic keratosis can develop into skin cancer, most commonly squamous cell carcinoma (SCCa).
Basal cell carcinoma (BCCa) is the most common type of skin cancer, which often looks like a pimple or skin-colored growth that won’t go away. BCC develops from cells located within the basal layer of the skin and grows in various patterns. Typically, basal cell carcinomas are slow-growing cancers that remain local, but will not resolve if left untreated.
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCCa) can be a more aggressive form of skin cancer caused by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the epidermis. This common cancer can look like a scaly red spot or sore that doesn’t heal. This type of skin cancer is faster growing than basal cell and can potentially spread to the lymph nodes without preventative treatment.
Melanoma is a potentially dangerous skin cancer that usually looks like an atypical mole that is asymmetric, has irregular borders or multiple colors, and is larger than the tip of a pencil. Sun exposure and genetics are two of the biggest risk factors for developing melanoma. Early detection is key for successful treatment outcomes with melanoma.
Effective Skin Cancer Treatments:
Determining the best course of treatment will depend on specific factors including:
Type of skin cancer
Location on your body
Overall health
At Magnolia Plastic Surgery, we offer the most advanced non-surgical and surgical techniques to successfully treat skin cancer and reduce your risk of recurrence.
Non-Surgical Treatments:
The liquid nitrogen method involves spraying the cancerous lesion with liquid nitrogen, a very cold substance at -196 degrees Fahrenheit, which freezes, damages, and kills the malignant cancer cells found in superficial atypical lesions.
Applying topical solutions, such as 5-fluorouracil, directly to the lesion can successfully treat several superficial skin cancers. Topical medications can be used to stimulate your body’s own immune system to attack and kill the malignant cells.
Surgical Skin Cancer Treatments:
This technique is also referred to as a “scrape and burn” technique that is used to effectively treat small, superficial, and non-aggressive cancers. This two-part skin cancer treatment uses a tool to scrape out malignant cells and an electric needle to burn the area to create a clear margin around the treated area.
Excision is a technique that removes the malignant cells and a specific margin around the cancerous area surgically. The area of skin removed is then tested to ensure that no cancer cells remain.